Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Heart of Darkness Thesis

For my Heart of Darkness essay I plan on writing about how Africa was once an innocent and pure place until it was corrupted by the evil of the European man. The Europeans brought the evil to Africa. I plan on talking about why Conrad chose to use Africa as the setting of his book and how this may have helped portray this idea.
Some quotes I am looking at using are
"I've seen the devil of violence, and the devil of greed, and the devil of hot desire." (Conrad, 82) This quote to me seems to say that a person, not a place has brought the evil to Africa.This is why Conrad chose to use the devil in this part of the text. I could also look at how he use many cases of comparing Marlow or Kurtz to a Buddha or God.
"...for he judged it necessary to inform me he feared neither God nor devil, let alone any mere man." (Conrad, 98) Here, Conrad is portraying Kurtz as a God, and a figure that everyone should fear. This helps to portray him as holding a great deal of power.
 "...seemed to lead into the hear of an immense darkness." (Conrad, 164" As I interpreted this quote I feel as if Conrad is trying to say that imperialism has done its job and has left Africa as an 'immense darkness' just as it should. I think this quote would fit in nicely towards the end of my essay.
Any suggestions would be wonderful!

A topic that I am looking at doing for my research paper is the topic of diabetes. I somewhat looked at this for my TED talk, so I could go into more detail and expand on it. I would look at the causes of it, different types, the current treatments, and the research that is being done to find new cures and treatments. Diabetes is a disease that is very prevalent around the area that we live in, so I could talk about those effects as well.

1 comment:

  1. Having done your TED talk on health issues will really help in doing this paper! I really like your idea and as you said it is something we as a community in Bemidji can see, so it will be more interesting to read, and also to look into. You could maybe set your paper up as a cause and effect type. You could also look at how diabetes has affected other groups of people in different countries around the world. I think it would be interesting if you looked into the trends of people who have diabetes such as, is the number of people personally affected by it increasing? if so what are the causes? are we seeing it affecting younger kids rather than just adults? These are just ideas of stats and trends to look at to maybe prove it is a problem and counter it by talking about all the advancements taking place to fight this disease.
