Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thesis/Goal: I want to talk about the positive and negative ways that children's health and nutrition are being affected through society and the education system. My goal of my TED talk would be to inform my listeners about the growing health/obesity problems and ways they could be resolved/improved.

During my TED talk, I plan on using a lot of definition. I would define the terms that some of the audience my not be knowledgeable of. I want to talk about amounts of Physical activity that children are getting during the school day, and how the amount needs to be increased. Going off of the ways that the school and government are affecting children’s health, I would also bring up school lunches. I also want also use cause and effect along with narrative. I will also use some sort of persuasive voice to try and convince my audience about the downhill slide the health of America is taking.
Another thing I would bring up is the negative image the media and society is placing in young girls minds about how they should look, and the effects of this. (Ex. Eating disorders/ young dieting) I will then talk about how hard dieting really is, and how everyone’s body is different; bringing in a TED talk I have watched. Bringing in dieting I want to talk about the different fad diets and talk about those may be affecting how we eat. I want to examine a couple in detail and the different theories each food/diet has had over the years.

In conclusion I want to talk about the happy medium that needs to be found for America’s society today, between being healthy, exercising, eating right, and being knowledgeable verses starving yourself to have the “perfect” body portrayed by the media.

*I know this is quite unorganized and rough at the moment, so any suggestions and ideas would be a great help! Especially on perfecting my thesis statement.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your ideas for your TED talk! I think by you adding the media and the negative image it portrays for young girls is a good way to relate to everyone especially since we are an all girls class. Maybe to help the flow of your TED talk you could start with persuasively on how America is on a downward slide in health. You could then talk about how the government and schools are adding to this issue from unhealthy school lunches to the small allotted amount of time for gym class. Then you could go into how it's not only the government and schools, the media also is playing a part in affecting the youth in a negative way. And then from there talk about the improvements that can be done. I think it would be cool for you to talk about how your personal physical activities like your sports and other active things your family does has affected you as a person. You could add this into the part when you talk about the improvement ideas because it shows how being active can help the family come together and how being active has given you many opportunities.
    These are just some ideas to think about.
