Thursday, February 6, 2014

TED Talk ideas

The following are some ideas that I have for my TED talk.

1. Nutrition: Suing McDonald's etc. due to health issues; New York soda ban.
-This interests me due to the fact that obesity becoming an epidemic in America., and i think that we ourselves are to blame.

2. Making it mandatory for schools to require more physical exercise in the school day.
-Again this ties into the idea that I have above about obesity
-The brain brain is shown to function better and be more active after activity, which would increase learning.
- Youth Fitness Presidential Fitness has gone down 90 seconds in the last 30 years

3. Smoking in a home with children should be outlawed.
-Lung issues and second hand smoke
-Children not having a choice in something that can impact their future lives greatly.
-Cancer rates on the rise
-Federal spending going towards Anti-smoking campaigns

-This topic interests me because as a society we are consuming and using more products and resources.Therefore creating more waste. In  turn, recycling is an issue we need to bring to the surface and as Americans start doing.

5.Stem cells research.
-I hope to pursue a medical career, so advancements in the medical field is something that interests me
-Allowing advancements in technology that we otherwise may not get.
-Providing cures to untreatable diseases and health issues.
-It could be the future of medicine.


  1. Claire I like your ideas of Stem Cell research and Nutrition. The Nutrition on seems like it will be easy to relate to, and it sounds interesting. Do you plan on looking into other court cases and laws? Would your TED Talk focus more on obesity, and how to combat it? I'm interested to know what you would be refuting on the other side, what they would argue. As far as the stem cell research idea, I am also interesting in going into medicine, and I'm wondering what you would be advocating the stem cells be used for and how and the ethics for and against their use.

  2. I like your idea about physical exercise and obesity. I think there are lots of different ways you could talk about it to make it interesting. and you have lots of things to go off of. You could talk about just obesity by itself and why it's posing a problem for society. You could talk about exercise and how its important and the benefits to it with more than just not being obese. I like all of your ideas but this one interests me the most. I know whatever you choose it will be great though! goodluck!

  3. I like the physical education stuff too. I think you could take those two topics and in a way make them one narrative - look at how a person gains weight. I saw a great TED a few days ago (I mentioned it to you on Friday) where the speaker talks about her own efforts in weight loss and how the body rebels against it because the body is just not wired the way we think it is in terms of weight.

    You could also, within this, examine the idea of body health vs. self.

    With nutrition - you know what would be really cool? For every food there are 30 different competing, and contradictory, theories. Eggs are bad for you. No they're good. No they don't do anything. Tomatoes are poison. Wait, they're magic food now! What do fad diets do to us? You could set this up as a study, a research project, a personal narrative...

  4. watch this!
